Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Daily Check-in 5/28/08 (or: Excuses, Excuses)

I knew 5/27/08 wasn't going to be a good for writing because it was our travel day home from Poplar Tree Bay. Instead, the day was spent getting ready to leave; driving first to Syracuse (to drop off Scott's sister, Kathy, at the Syracuse airport) and then to the Buffalo airport for our own flight; finally ending back at our house around 10:00 PM. There was time during which I should have been able to write—the almost four hours spent in the car; the hour or so in the airport before our flight; the almost 90 minutes of the flight itself—except I can neither read nor write in a moving car without getting motion sick, and I'm too self-conscious to write among so many people sitting so close in the airport and on the plane.

Even though we didn't get to bed until almost 1:00 AM, I set my alarm for 6:00 AM fully intending to get up and write before work today. But expecting to be creative and deal with vacation aftermath in the office on only five hours of sleep wasn't going to work, so when my alarm went off at 6:00 AM I reset it for 7:00 AM and went back to sleep.

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