Monday, May 19, 2008

Daily Check-in 5/19/08

Stupid Mondays.

Okay, I need to try harder to carve out some writing time on the weekends, because when I don't write on Saturday or Sunday I lose any momentum I've built up during the week... and that makes writing on a Monday morning about as easy as starting a car that's been sitting out in sub-zero weather for two days.* This morning, I spent 45 minutes basically spinning my wheels. Hopefully, I'll be able to put in some more productive writing time during lunch.

It sounds backwards, but getting up and writing for an hour in the morning before work is easier than making time to write on the weekend. During the work week, it's simply a matter of forcing myself to get up an hour earlier and then sitting down to write. As long as I've gone to bed at a decent hour the night before, half the battle is won. But on weekends we tend to stay up later and have more and varied things to accomplish. Plus there's usually two of involved in the scheduling of weekend activities, and that makes setting aside at least an hour on Saturday and Sunday a little more difficult. Not impossible though, of course. It's just another new writing routine to be implemented. I've succeeded (so far) in implementing my workday morning routine, so why not a weekend routine as well?

* I promise the similes in my "real" writing will be better than that one!

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