Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our Remodeled Upstairs Bathroom

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Originally uploaded by steventhemusical.
As promised, I've uploaded photos of our (almost) finished upstairs bathroom to Flickr. The photo posted here is just a'll have to head over to Flickr to see all 19 photos! But even if you compare the finished photos with the before photos, you really will need to see our remodeled upstairs bathroom in person to truly appreciate it. Who's going to be the first to come see it?

Also as promised, there are photos of the demolition of our basement. We spent most of the day Saturday shopping for materials, and bought almost everything we can haul in either of our cars. BTW, thank you Mom and Dad! The Lowe's gift cards each of you gave us put a dent in the price tag. They helped us pay for hardwood flooring, can light fixtures, bi-fold doors, dimmer switches and electrical outlets, and a kitchen faucet for the basement.

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