Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jenni!

Sorry the photo is over two years old. I only had one photo of you from Christmas at Gammaw Yowell's, and there were too many other people in it.

Thanks for the birthday card and especially the old photos of us. I wish I knew how old we were in that birthday photo. And did you notice in the photo of the three of us that Stacey and I have the same haircut? We don't have a scanner at home anymore--not since we bought a digital camera. Maybe I can talk Scott into scanning them at his office one day soon, so everyone can see how adorable we were.

I can't believe I'm 45...that's half way to 50! At least you'll turn 40 before I turn 50. Oh well, better 40-something than teens or 20-something again. (Justin and Lauren may scoff at that remark, but life gets so much better after 30.)

Scott and I are sending all kinds of birthday love your way, Jenni. Hope you had a special one!

Your OLDER brother, Steven

P.S.: Scott and I were in Vancouver, BC part of last week and took photos of that beautiful city to share with everyone. I hope to get them posted online later this week. And I need to post a basement remodeling update, too.

1 comment:

Steven said...

Our plan is to have a party this spring once all the remodeling is done. It would be a belated (9 years late) house-warming and our 15th anniversary celebration. Which means everyone will owe us gifts. We'll let you know where we're registered. :-)