Monday, November 20, 2006

Upstairs Bathroom Remodeling: Work Day 12

"Although still early in the process, we expect the pace of work to pick up and proceed rather quickly now."
That immortal line is taken from my previous blog post dated Monday, November 13. In the last week there's been very little visible progress, if only because much of the work being done was "behind the wall" stuff like replacing the water pipes all the way down to the basement and rewiring the bathroom so it's on its own two circuits in the breaker box.

Finally, late last week and today there's some 2x4 framing that's starting to give the bathroom some shape, but all of the walls are still bare studs. But the contractor tells me the work will be half way completed by the end of the day this Wednesday. Really? I'll be curious to see what qualifies as "half way." I'll post photos, of course. In the meantime, here's a gratuitously cute photo of Calvin and Abner.

We're not discouraged though. As a matter of fact, I'll be signing another contract with the contractor to redo our powder room and turn our basement into a livable TV room. That work will start as soon as the upstairs bathroom is finished. As much as we'd like to have our house all to ourselves again, we want all of the remodeling projects completed more.

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