Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/10/08

Hey, what happened to 6/8/08 and 6/9/08?!

I had a colonoscopy yesterday (6/9; the doctor found two tiny polyps—both were completely benign). To prepare for the procedure I couldn't have anything but clear liquids after 11:00 AM Sunday (6/8)... and that's a very long time for me to go without food! The hungrier I got the crankier I got (ask Scott), and I found it difficult to concentrate on anything requiring higher thought—like writing or reading. So, no activity to report for 6/8. After the procedure I was pretty zoned out by the anesthesia. Scott drove me home, we got me some McDonald's breakfast on the way, and I ate my first solid food in over 24 hours. Of course, I don't remember the trip home or eating the food. But then I fell sound asleep on the couch for over four hours. So, no activity to report for 6/9 either.

I'm happy to report I resumed my writing-before-work routine this morning. Unfortunately, I had to spend my lunch hour trying to catch up on work email from the weekend and Monday.

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