Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/17/08 and 6/18/08

Both yesterday and today I've been "carding" my story—writing each possible scene and plot detail on a 3"x5" notecard, in order to play with the organization and flow of the plot. It also helps you identify gaps in your story, which I did. But that's a good thing because finding creative ways to fill those gaps ends up making the story more interesting.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Multi-day Check-in 6/13/08-6/16/08

It's been a busy weekend, so I'm playing catch-up with my blog reports.

6/13/08: I wrote before work on Friday, but because we went to see a movie (the new Indiana Jones; I liked it, but Scott wasn't impressed) after work I didn't get to post a report.

6/14/08 and 6/15/08: Although I didn't do any actual writing over the weekend, I did do some writing-related reading both days. Didn't have the opportunity to post a report either day because of a spike in our usually tame social schedule—we went to a BBQ Saturday night and the Tony Awards broadcast last night.

6/16/08: Got back to my writing routine this morning—writing for my hour—then did some more writing-related reading during lunch.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/12/08

Did you think I forgot to report in today? No way!

Wrote before work, then did some more WIP-related reading during lunch.

BTW, I notice the emails of my blog posts are going out really late. The email of yesterday's post didn't arrive in my inbox until almost 24 hours after it appeared on the blog. Blogger (my blog host) allows me to specify up to 10 address to receive email about each blog post, and since my blog's audience is very limited that might be a better alternative to the email service I'm using now. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/11/08

Took the el all the way to work today (instead of driving part of the way and taking the el the rest), so I was able to do some WIP-related reading during my commute. Then wrote for an hour before work, and read more at lunch.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/10/08

Hey, what happened to 6/8/08 and 6/9/08?!

I had a colonoscopy yesterday (6/9; the doctor found two tiny polyps—both were completely benign). To prepare for the procedure I couldn't have anything but clear liquids after 11:00 AM Sunday (6/8)... and that's a very long time for me to go without food! The hungrier I got the crankier I got (ask Scott), and I found it difficult to concentrate on anything requiring higher thought—like writing or reading. So, no activity to report for 6/8. After the procedure I was pretty zoned out by the anesthesia. Scott drove me home, we got me some McDonald's breakfast on the way, and I ate my first solid food in over 24 hours. Of course, I don't remember the trip home or eating the food. But then I fell sound asleep on the couch for over four hours. So, no activity to report for 6/9 either.

I'm happy to report I resumed my writing-before-work routine this morning. Unfortunately, I had to spend my lunch hour trying to catch up on work email from the weekend and Monday.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/6/08 and 6/7/08

I decided one report for yesterday and today was sufficient, since I spent my writing time each day finishing the book I've been reading as background research. It inspired many creative ideas but also raised some interesting questions I'll have to deal with as I continue my WIP.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/5/08 (Better Late Than Never)

Sorry, everyone, I almost forgot to report in today. I'm tempted to just type "Ditto," because today was a continuation of the background research from yesterday... and the day before... and the day before that.

BTW, if you visit my blog (rather than just read it via email or a feed reader), then you can check out a new feature I've added: a sampling of other blogs I read on a regular basis. You'll find it at the bottom of the left hand column below the "Subscribe," "About Me," "My Posts About" and "Blog Archive" features.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/4/08

More of the same today, once again both before work and during lunch. I'm now more than halfway through the book I'm reading.

I know these daily reports must be getting kind of boring, but this blog is part of the reason I've stuck to my morning writing routine. Knowing I'd have to "confess" missing my hour of writing before work just to sleep in helps get me out of bed each morning. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/3/08

More background research today, both before work and during lunch. This book I'm reading is inspiring some fun ideas for improving the events I've outlined for my WIP.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Daily Check-in 6/2/08

This morning's before-work activity on my WIP* focused on some necessary background research, and began with a trip to the Chicago Public Library over the weekend. I need to be more familiar with the scientific possibility of the topic of my WIP, so I don't end up looking like an idiot or (worse) an amateur.

And yes, I'm aware of the danger research can present for writers—which is to be an attractive distraction from the writing itself. I promise both you and myself not to let that happen.

BTW, Dad, the Lowe's gift card you gave us for Christmas has been put to good use: our gas-powered lawn mower was dying a slow and painful death, so we bought me a new toy yesterday—an electric lawn mower. Thanks!

* i.e., work in progress