Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas, Family!

Scott and I wish you all our love and much happiness during this holiday season and every day of the year.

And I promise to get you all caught up with our upstairs bathroom remodeling. MPOW (that's a blog abbreviation for My Place Of Work) has kept me especially busy this past month, which left me feeling pretty lazy about blogging. The bathroom is almost done--I expect to be posting photos of the finished product within the next two weeks. (It would be sooner, but the contractor is only working Wednesday and Thursday of this coming week between Christmas and New Year's Day.) We can't wait for you to see it!


Monday, December 04, 2006

Hey Justin...

Happy Birthday!

Sorry, no photo of you to post with this birthday blog greeting. And, of course, your card will arrive late. Such is the curse of being a member of our family.

Uncle Steven