Friday, July 14, 2006

Viva Las Vegas!

Scott and I are off to Las Vegas Friday morning for our annual pilgrimage to "Sin City." The forecast is for lower 100s and sunny almost every day we're there. But it's a dry heat. ;-)

We're back in Chicago Tuesday night...hopefully with some gambling winnings in our pockets. Wish us luck!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Poplar Tree Bay, June-July 2006

Here at last...the long-awaited photos to our trip up to Poplar Tree Bay over the Independence Day pre-holiday weekend. Scott and I drove up and arrived Friday. Kathy flew up and joined us Saturday.

It was a great trip. We were able to golf twice...which was good even though my own golf game was awful. No bike rides though. The sporting goods store that we took the bikes to for a tune up and to fix a flat tire, and which told us they'd be done on Sunday, just called us today (yes, a week later!) to tell us the bikes are ready to be picked up.

Scott and Kathy's Uncle Jim and Aunt Bev had us over for their annual Clayton, NY fireworks party, with a fantastic view of the fireworks display over the St. Lawrence River from their own private dock.

Scott and Kathy's sister, Dawn, and her daughters, Erin, Jill and Lisa, arrived the Monday before the holiday to begin an extended vacation all their own. Unfortunately, Scott and I had to hit the road that same afternooon, so we didn't get to spend much time with them. We expect Erin, Jill and Lisa will be very popular with the teenage boys of the multiple families from Rochester that occupy the Poplar Tree Bay community.

Driving from Chicago to Cape Vincent is rough...but even staying overnight in a hotel along the way it's still cheaper than flying most of the time. And there's something especially relaxing about not stressing over airport checkin, security, flight delays and checked baggage. We'll be driving up again in August (when Mom will be joining us), but will probably fly if we squeeze in a long weekend in September.

Click on the photo of me, Scott and Kathy to jump to this new photo set on Flickr.