Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Today, Scott and I celebrate our fourteenth year together. Nothing special planned for tonight though. We'll celebrate the event in a more proper fashion this weekend, when we're in Cape Vincent with Scott's sister and brother-in-law.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Subscribe to Steven: The Musical!

Because some of you aren't very well acquainted with blogs, you may not realize that one of the great things about them is blogs are syndicated. That means instead of having to visit a blog to check for new content, you can subscribe to the blog and let it tell you when there's something new to read.

You'll see a new "Subscribe" button near the top of the column just to the left. Clicking this button takes you to my subscription page on Feedpass. From there you can subscribe to my blog with any number of popular feed readers (what?!?), or even receive new posts via email. How convenient is that! And what's so cool is that this Feedpass page is a mini lesson about this whole syndication/subscribe/feeds thing. Might be worth a read.

And I can try to show you how all this works when Scott and I are in Danville this weekend.

See you soon!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Morning Commute: The last 5 songs that played on my iPod shuffle

  1. "Disco Down" - Kylie Minogue
  2. "I Want You" - Juliet Roberts
  3. "Hold On" - Black Box
  4. "Music Gets the Best of Me" - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
  5. "Window Shopping for Blinds" - The Beautiful South

Monday, May 15, 2006

Evening Commute: The last 5 songs that played on my iPod shuffle

  1. "Turn the Beat Around" - Vicki Sue Robinson
  2. "You'll Never Stop Me From Loving You" - Sonia
  3. "Still Standing" - Kylie Minogue
  4. "I Feel For You" - Kylie Minogue
  5. "Somebody Should Have Told Me" - Cissy Houston

Generation C (the "C" is for "Content"...or maybe "Crap")

There's an interesting quote in the online article at...

...that may give you an idea of what to expect from my blog:

"Don't get us wrong: superior tools and no talent still equals useless
content. GENERATION C is and will continue to create heaps and heaps of
crap which, at best, will be appreciated only by inner-circle friends
and family."

Lucky you, my "inner-circle" of family and friends. Enjoy the crap to

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sibling Rivalry

My sister Stacey has a blog. Now I have a blog, too. See my blog, Mom? Mom! Mom, look at my blog!

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day! :-)